Valley of the Androscoggin
The Valley of the Androscoggin confers the 4th through 18th degrees. To obtain the 19th through 32nd degrees (referred to as the Consistory degrees), you need to also join the Consistory in the Valley of Portland. The Scottish Rite is sometimes called the “University of Freemasonry” because it helps members explore the philosophy, history, religions, ethics, and ultimate truths that guide Freemasons’ lives.
Lewiston Lodge of Perfection
The Ineffable Degrees
( 4° – 14° )
This series of degrees includes the 4th° through to the 14th° and are referred to as the ineffable degrees. Ineffable comes from the Latin ineffibilis which means something that should not be spoken.
Auburn Council of Princes of Jerusalem
The Historical Degrees
( 15° – 16° )
The two historical degrees conferred in a Council Princes of Jerusalem cover the period from 538 to B.C. 516 they deal with persons and events connected with the end the Babylonian Captivity of Israel, the return of some of the captives of Jerusalem, and the rebuilding of the temple.
H.H. Dickey Chapter of Rose Croix
The Philosophical Degrees
( 17° – 18° )
These two degrees are designed to encourage a Scottish Rite Mason to examine his own life and find and apply the major truths outlined in the bible.
Maine Consistory
The Consistory Degrees
(19° – 32°)
The Consistory degrees are not offered in the Valley of the Androscoggin. Brethren usually join the Valley of Portland for these degrees.
News and Announcements
From the SR Masonic Museum and Library: A Past Grand High Priest Jewel Made for Albert Gallatin Mackey
Maine Points: Children’s Dyslexia Center
Portland Festival of Trees
Childrens’ Dyslexia Centers of Maine
Living the “Rite” Way – Portland Children’s Dyslexia Center
Upcoming Events